Estimate Line Properties - Origin Tab Screen

Use this screen to view the selected line item information. Fields in this screen cannot be edited.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Create In This informs you where this line was first created: Preliminary Estimate, Preliminary Supplement, or UPD Estimate. You do not have access to this field.
Source This indicates the source of origin.tells you where this line originally came from: manual, part code table, generic vehicle, automated, database, or header.
Input Order This is the sequential order this line was originally entered into the estimate.
Display order This value the current sequential position of the line in the estimate.

This is the operation originally selected for the line.

Labor Hours

This value is the number of original non-refinish hours for the line.

Refinish Hours

This is the number of original refinish hours required for the line.

Part Price $

This is the original part price as it appears in the database. If the line contains an Aftermarket (A/M), or a Recycled part, the corresponding part price is displayed.

Component Classification

This value is the original classification of the component: Body, Structural, Mechanical, or Other. You do not have access to this field.

See Also

Viewing the Origins of the Data That Appear in a Line







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